Title, Description, Privacy of Blog

Title, Description, Privacy of Blog:

         The term title goes to your blog title which appears at the top of your blog, the description is nothing but your blog description to the only you can see below your Title of the Blog. You can describe your blog there, but not the search description of your blog for any search engine, it is different from this. And the last one is Privacy, you can use it for enabling your blog in the listing of the reading list and the second one is that search engine option to enabling your search in Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.

Let we know in deep to the more clear idea about this.First of all, you go for this option, you go first in setting, there will see this option to you in your blog panel of Blogger.com. It will like,

         The title is nothing but you set up your Blog Name when you created it and this becomes you can change here or see Title. Blog Titles may have same but not in the case of URL.

Path: Setting -> Edit the Title by "edit".

         The Description is used for Description of your Blog that every user can see below the title of the Blog. The Description has contained the limit of 500 Character to describe your blog. It will not see on any search engine when any user can see, It just describes your Blog, it will not work for any SEO(Search Engine Optimisation).
Path: Setting -> Edit the Description by "edit".

When you set up those things it will look like this,

         Privacy, it is about two things, one that follows of your blog to follow you to read your blog's update on their reading list, the second thing is to another user can search your blog in search engines.

         You can change as per your wish if the user can read your update on their list by selecting yes of the first question. If the user can search your blog on search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc, to yes.

         I would like to prefer you both yes because both are useful for more number of visitors visit your posts


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